About Caritas Fort Portal-HEWASA

Caritas Fort Portal – HEWASA is the social services development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Portal which was established in 1980 as an emergency and charity organization to support the people affected by the civil unrest at the time. These included internally displaced people, orphans, and vulnerable children. Read more

Our team

Our thematic areas / Areas of focus

justice and peace

Rooted in Catholic social teaching, Caritas Fort Portal-HEWASA promotes justice and peace through its projects hinged on safeguarding, Read more

Health, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Over 14 million Ugandans (30 percent of the population) have no access to clean and safe water. Yet access to safe water and sanitation is a human right. Read more


With over 68% of Ugandans depending on agriculture for livelihood, the mission of targeted initiatives in agriculture is to strengthen capabilities of active poor farmers.Read More

Financial services

We empower poor people men, women, and the young with entrepreneurial skills and seek to reduce poverty in households by giving small loans to groups & individuals. Read More

Skilling and Entrepreneurship

Caritas Fort Portal-HEWASA provides vulnerable men, youth and women with basic and vocational skills that meet the demands of the current job market. Vulnerable men, youth & women include:Read more

Women, Youth and Gender

Women and youth constitute the biggest population segments in Uganda with vast needs. We promote equal roles for women in development of the communities’ gender equality and empower women and youth in advocacy through awareness raising, trainings and Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLAs). Read more

Natural Resources Management

Sustainable use of natural resources supports our livelihoods and wellbeing. It is a global as well as a local concern here in Uganda. Caritas Fort Portal-HEWASA supports communities in the sustainable use of natural resources and promotes environmental protection while improving quality of life of the communities it serves. Read More

Fort portal School fees Program

“Help for self-help”. For over four decades, Uganda experienced wars, violence, natural catastrophes, and deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Ebola. Millions of people lose lives and leave behind vulnerable children with rampant poverty and family breakdown. Read More

Our success stories

620 farmers have adopted to and sustain improved agricultural methods (e.g., conservation practices such as mulching, pruning, agroforestry, grass stabilizer planting on contour bands planting in lines, timely weeding etc.) In Kabarole and Bunyangabu


196 Cash grant have been offered to Un Accompanied Minors (UAMs)


16 Groups register formally and obtain legal status at county/sub-county level In Kabarole and Bunyangabu districts.


1043 pupils have access to safe sanitation through constructing Sanitation infrastructure in Mituli and St. Kizito Primary Schools in Kabarole District: - 2 schools with one latrine facility, each bearing 4 stances for girls with a wash room (bathroom)


For more of these successful stories, click here

Help for self-help” is this moto we use in development work. Education is the key to success and progress.
Caritas Fort Portal – HEWASA is the social services development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Portal
Caritas Fort Portal-HEWASA provides vulnerable men,
youth and women with basic
and vocational skills that meet the demands of the current job market.
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homes have safe water
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homes have latrines
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What we do?

We promote social services among marginalized communities by strengthening community capabilities through initiatives that promote charity, solidarity, justice and peace and human development in Uganda to all the regions Read More
Years of serving the people

Agriculture Development

Agriculture can help reduce poverty, raise incomes and improve food security for 80% of the world’s poor, who live in rural areas and work mainly in farming.  Caritas Fort Portal-Hewasa Has promoted...

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene are crucial to human health and well-being. Safe WASH is not only a prerequisite to health, but contributes to livelihoods, school attendance and dignity...

Financial Services

Financial services are economic services provided by the finance industry, which together encompass a broad range of service sector firms that provide financial management, including credit unions...


Some of the people in the Rwenzori region testifying how Caritas- Hewasa as improved their lives

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Caritas Hewasa's focus

The main focus is to fulfill the mandent of the Catholic church of reaching out to the poor people, the marginalised and the less privilaged with packages of development intervations. The main thematic areas are;

