Turning waste into wealth

Turning Waste to wealth “For so many years I have served as a WASH promoter, I have always perceived WASH as a means of securing our human surroundings of any dirt, waste materials only for safe disposal. Little did I know that people are building wealth and earning a good living out of what we only dispose. Talk of waste water from the kitchen or the toilet flash that ends as septage in septic tanks, Organic waste that is landfilled together with the rest of unsorted solid waste, we have always wasted these important raw materials. Upon our bench-marking trip to India, where a lot of wealth is generated from waste materials. Caritas Fort Portal HEWASA constructed a feacal sludge treatment plant and
composting shades, where through a scientific process, feacal sludge is dewatered, and composted together with organic materials to produce a soil conditioner/co-compost. To-date, we have composted over 100 tons of organic waste together with dry sludge, and the product is already undergoing scientific tests  to ascertain its safety and application.
